Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me... Let me be singing when the evening comes!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Question Of LOVE

"The condition of the human heart is that we all pursue love." 
- Robert Messarge, Jr.

Based on what history has told us, I believe it is safe to assume that this statement is true.  What history has not done is to remove from our hearts the question: 
'What is love?' 
Is it an all consuming feeling that looks to passion and sensuality? 
Is it the short-lived drama of a high-school crush? 
Is it shown by a mother's tender care of her child? 
By a man's unique concern for his wife's happiness? 
A child climbing into a welcoming lap, resting its head on a capable shoulder, knowing she's safe?
What is love?

"Is love a fancy or a feeling? No. It is immortal as immaculate Truth, 'Tis not a blossom shed as soon as youth drops from the stem of life -- for it will grow, in barren regions, where no water flows, Nor rays of promise cheats the pensive gloom... Nor will it change, though all be changed beside; Though fairest beauty be no longer fair, Though vows be false, and faith itself deny, Though sharp enjoyment be a suicide, And hope a specter in a ruin bare." 
- Hartley Coleridge

This past Fall I had the priviledge of meeting the Jost family at one of their concerts (those of you who have seen their movie clips might know them by the youtube title "Jostie Flicks"). Their oldest daughter, Emily, sang a song her mother, Lisa, composed about the words we say and what they mean. The chorus was what stuck with me the most:

"When you say LOVE, you say a million things
More than flowers or diamond rings 
More than candy and valentines 
More than feelings and starry eyes 

When you say LOVE, you're saying SACRIFICE
WALK AWAY from your selfish pride 
TURN AWAY from the tempting side
When you say LOVE"  

Recently one of my friends jokingly said: "love is over-rated." I told her it was romance that was "over-rated." Love (in the true sense of the word) could never be over-rated because it is boundless! Romance is a feeling. Feelings come and go. Love remains.

1 John 4:10 (New Living Translation)
"This is real love—not that we loved God, 
but that he loved us and sent his Son 
as a sacrifice to take away our sins."

There you have it!  Fini. Period. Take that to the bank and cash it! That's love.

(Note: These pictures were taken off the internet. I cannot claim them as my own)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My Heart Is Filled...

My heart is FILLED with thankfulness
To Him who bore MY PAIN;
Who plumbed the depths of MY DISGRACE
And gave me LIFE again;
Who CRUSHED my CURSE of sinfulness
And wrote His law of RIGHTEOUSNESS
With POW'R upon my heart.

My heart is filled with THANKFULNESS
To Him who WALKS beside;
Who floods my WEAKNESSES with STRENGTH
And causes FEARS to FLY;
Whose ev'ry promise is ENOUGH
For EV'RY step I take,
Sustaining me with ARMS OF LOVE
And crowning me with GRACE.

My HEART is filled with thankfulness
Whose wisdom is my PERFECT PEACE,
Whose ev'ry thought is LOVE.
For EV'RY DAY I have on earth
Is GIVEN by the King;
So I will GIVE my life, my ALL,

"My Heart Is Filled with Thankfulness"
Words and Music by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
Copyright © 2003 Thankyou Music

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the PEACE of God, which SURPASSES ALL understanding, will GUARD YOUR HEARTS AND MINDS through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7