Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me... Let me be singing when the evening comes!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Dusty Keys and Good Excuses

Seeing that it has now been almost 10 months since my last blog entry I'm almost embarrassed to come back! The best excuse for "blog neglect" that I can come up with? 
Not sure if that is a good excuse or not but it's the truth. When I wrote my last blog on July 18th I was just at the beginning of a dating relationship that would end with "Will you...?" and start something else with "I do!" 

I wasn't trying to be sneaky or anything.... I would have posted about it sometime but I ended up having some computer difficulties (as in I wrote blogs and then the computer wouldn't post them!) and then life got... well... a little busy.

Though I'm not going to go into the whole story right now (if you're curious check out this link to see our wedding website), I did want to "touch base" and give an answer to the question everyone asks a new bride:


Drum roll please..........

May I present MRS. Karl Hertzler

{Say what????}

Yep, that's right (and NO he did NOT take MY name)! I got lucky and snagged a guy with the same last name - No name change for me!

But beyond the silliness with the name-thing, I have been blessed with a husband who is better than I ever could have imagined! We have a snug little house which we are making into a home and I am excited to get back on here and share bits of life with you! 

For now, I'll leave you with a picture of the happy couple on our wedding day:
And this song by Don Moen:
"God is good all the time
He put a song of praise in the heart of mine
God is good all the time
Through the darkest night, His light will shine
God is good, God is good all the time

If you're walking through the valleys
And there are shadows all around
Do not fear, He will guide you
He will keep you safe and sound
He has promised to never leave you
Nor forsake you, and His word is true

We are sinners and so unworthy
Still for us He chose to die
Filled us with His Holy Spirit
Now we can stand and testify
That His love is everlasting
And His mercies, they will never end

Though I may not understand
All the plans you have for me
My life is in your hands
And through the eyes of faith
I can clearly see that

God is good all the time
He put a song of praise in the heart of mine
God is good all the time
Through the darkest night, His light will shine
God is good, God is good all the time"